Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Welcome 2008!!


countdown with Sir-JianWen, Sir-YuanZhen and one of their platoon mates :) Initially, im home alone and chatting with Sir-JianWen... so he asked me whether wanted to join him for countdown, then i agreed luh, LOL! Trained to City Hall at around 9pm,& im late:) Nevermind that, walked over to Marina Square and find ourselves a spot to rest our legs, play PSPs and waited for the fireworks to being fired up into the night sky. The night was really really really crowded mannnn, and atmosphere there was quite high laaaa:) The fireworks display is really beautiful, Yay-ness! & thanks Johnson for smsing me to keep me accompanied :)

afterwhich, strolled over to Bugis to have supper! On the way, we stopped at Suntec to have toilet break, yeap. Supper is nice and im also feeling hungry that time, treat was from Sir-JianWen, thanks yaa;) They drank beer (Hieneken) and i drink carrot juice, haha. went over to TCC (The Coffee Cannoisseur) but its closed already, so no choice... we trained back to Tampines, Mac Cafe:) Yeap, Sir-YuanZhen treat us drinks this time round, thanks thanks! Chit chatted with them luh, the conversation is interesting okays, haha. i left at 445am, left Sir-JianWen YuanZhen behind.

New Year Resolutions:
-Score good grades for my N's
-Don't be late for school so often
-To be healthy and happy (:

Yeap, school/ work is starting tmr, so all the best my friends/ EV's SJAB Members/ families members!