Wednesday, January 16, 2008

like, honey to the bees'

Just came back, afew minny minutes ago. Went to meet Mdm xinGjuaN, and pass her the long & short case study. Yeap. Im like super nice to slot them neatly into a plastic sheet and taped it neatly, how thoughtful of me can :) Okays, when mdm xinGjuaN see this, she'll going to oppose me again, LOL! And her house is just a walking distant away from mine, right? LOL LOL LOL :)

School is alright, as only 3 subjects for the day :) Yay-ness.
Had self train with my AC team, went through with their stationary drills, and told them to read up on the first chapter of the first aid manual, First Aid Essentials. SSG Jasmine assist me btw, and also thanks for the lunch she bought for me:) its nice can,'s a puff with sweet sweet apple plups filling which suit me cause i've a sweet-tooth, hohoho!

Afterwhich, went over to IRIS WANG PEI JUN's hse as to complete my assignment as i don't have my maths textbk with me anymore. She's kind enough to lend me hers, and sorry for intruding by which you're going to take a nap, hurhur! Ate abalone for dinner, yummylicious! Tmr, will be long day for me :(

munching on an egg tart now, mama bought it :)
thats all;