Saturday, October 4, 2008

chapter 223

Hello guys and girls!

I'm 5/6 done with my N Level exams, I'm only left with Food & Nutrition, which its 4 more days counting from today. I'm 60% ready for the paper, but I'm still in the process of revising it, to obtain a 100%.

Ace the paper, ace the subject!

After 8th October, I'm free! I will spread my wings out and soar in the open skies!


Let's move on, recalling about yesterday's event...

I went to Changi Airport, Terminal 3! *airplanes flew passed*

With Iris, Xinyi, Juan, Jolene & Alvin *laugh out loud*
I took a few shots of photographs with Xinyi, because i kept on bugging her!

That hood, i bought from Ikea ...
It was fun, hanging out with my friends! We laughed, we had fun, and memories of it lingers on...


Moving on, i just i have to say.

Well, sometimes you need to learn how to keep your mouth shut! When problems do not concern about others, you need not to volunteer yourself and "share" with them generously.

And sometimes, to those whom you "shared" your problems with know nuts about what is going, they'll start creating a commotion about it.

Why? Because you showed them an innocent look and they've got all smitten over you and seduced by your fascinating story.

So, next time, when you "share" your other interesting stories. Think clearly, do not implicate others.

Solve the problem yourself. If not forsake the problem, and do not bring it up ever again!

Its like, you planted watermelon seed into the earth. You did not water the seedlings and left them to survive under the scorching hot sun, with little amount of rainfall and sometimes not at all.
After a period of time, you went to harvest for your crops. But you could see nothing, only some dried dead vines of the watermelon plant. With a grouchy face, you went around telling others that those watermelon seeds you sow were not suitable for the soil here. But they did not knew that you've actually spun a lie.

Because, You reap what you sow.

Think it's you, then it will be you.
