Monday, April 28, 2008

mr. monday

Well, school was so fine!
Anyway, i had my MT Listening Comprehension today:D I think i could at least score a 18/20 (: Yeah man!

Went Terminal 3 again with my Celeb Friends. Guess what 3 more celebs made their Guest Appearances! They are...
WeiXin as Nicole Richie
Carmen as Hilary Duff
Demas as "I forget who already!" LOL!

and lastly with SIM JIAN DA! Okays, sad to say, Vanessa Hudgens couldn't join us today again! RAWR! Love Nicole Richie for her Bimbo-ness like me, LOL! Lastly, we did studied there okays..

Okays, stop here now. Toodles!